We help you care for your woodland property.

Cascade Woodland Design

Port Blakely Stand.jpg


about us

We are a group of consulting foresters who specialize in helping you get more enjoyment and value from your woodland property.  Some of us own woods ourselves, and all of us have spent a lot of time both working and playing in the outdoors.  We believe that family-owned woodlands are a special thing, and that the best way to keep them around is to help you strengthen the connection that your family has to the land.  Depending on your needs, that could mean a variety of things.  Maybe you want to attract more wildlife, or generate some income to help cover costs, or find ways to get the younger members of your family interested in spending more time there.  Whatever your needs, we can help you understand your options and make it easier for you to reach your goals.  Then you and your family can focus more on the fun part, which is being outside!



Our Services



Plans for your property can be useful for several reasons.  They are required to qualify for the lower tax rates of current use taxation programs.  They can also help you qualify for state or federal cost-share programs to help pay for projects that improve forest health, productivity, or wildlife habitat.  The requirements differ depending on the purpose, but we can help you with anything from the very simple plans required by some counties to the more comprehensive plans required to qualify for federal cost-share programs.

safety & privacy

From reducing fire hazard, to controlling access, to removing danger trees, we'll help you take steps to keep everyone safe and minimize the headaches that can come with owning woodland property.

woodland tending

If your needs include planting, controlling brush, thinning, pruning or other activities to improve the condition of your woods, we can help.  In addition to working with you to decide what should be done, we can make arrangements to get the materials and crews needed to complete the job.  

recreation & aesthetics

One of the most important things we can do is to help make it easier for you to enjoy spending time in your woods.  We can help you develop trails that make it easy to get around and places to rest or camp.  We'll work with you to improve visibility and highlight the unique areas on your property.

selling timber

Selling timber can be complicated, especially if you want to be sure that it's done right and you are not left with a mess afterward.  We can help with the required permits, a logger who will do a good job for you, and the best buyer for the kind of logs that you have to offer.


The key to attracting wildlife to your property is providing good habitat.  We can help you improve habitat quality by providing better food sources and developing places where wildlife can hide and rest.





Please feel free to phone or e-mail us to discuss your project and see if we are a good fit for your needs.  Begin by contacting Jeff DeBell  by phone or e-mail:

360.791.6106  or  jeff.debell@cwd-forestry.com  

Depending upon your location and the details of your project, Jeff will help match you with a member of our staff.